Hi Don,
OK I will do that. Couldn't figure out one way or the other so I put the
cap on the bottom side of the header after I installed the header. Guess
it was shunting some signal from where it was supposed to be going...hi
Thanks much,
Don W wrote:
> Mike,
> Yes, remove C6 from the RF board and after that, re-peak the 40 and 60
> meter bandpass filter.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Mike-WE0H wrote:
>> Was I supposed to remove the C6 (4.7p) cap when I added the K60XV
>> option? I have it soldered on the bottom of the RF board from pin1 to
>> pin 3 of J15.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> WE0H
>> K2 6698
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