CQ WW Contest

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CQ WW Contest

I entered this past contest mainly to test my K3,not wishing to win any award,just took it easy but I checked at qrz any single station I contacted with  and guess what,about 30% of them were using K3's at the contest.
Friend of mine from Miami,I will not mention his name not to make the other contesters feel bad but he shared a chair at an important contest station here in FL where one of the big radios was a IC-7700 considered the jewel from Icom for contests and my friend sit his K3 side by side with that 7700 and at the end of the contest and after all the contacts the 7700 user could not made because of lack of proper selectivity he told my friend,he was disapointed with his 7700 and was going to sell it to buy him a K3,how about that.
My K3 behaved better than expected,I had no problem at all pulling out from a very crowded band and close to the big guns weak stations with signals of 55 to 57,I used all the time my roofer of 2.1 plus the DSP set to 1.8 and the SHIFT set to 1.0,audio quality even was very limited still was clear enough to hear the zone from the station I contacted.Selectivity was awsome,without the K3 surely I was not going to work so many zones and new countries I could.I am really impressed/enchanted with this K3 after having done this difficult contest.
I also could set my TX audio with high pitch from 400 to 2500Hz to cut trough the QRM and also the speech compressor around 30 and my audio was strong,clear but still not distorded at all as the majority of stations I heard with so much compression that was too hard for me to hear what they said.
Again thanks to Elecraft we all could do succesfully the contest.
Good luck to all of you with the final score.73

"For a refined ham it is compulsory to own a k3"

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Re: CQ WW Contest

Fred Atchley
Hector Padron wrote:


My K3 behaved better than expected, I had no problem at all pulling out from
a very crowded band and close to the big guns weak stations with signals of
55 to 57,I used all the time my roofer of 2.1

End snip


Like Hector I enjoy contesting. Due to CC&R's, I'm limited to a stealth wire
antenna and barefoot operation, but it's still great fun.

Having participated in the California QSO party since 2003 here are my
results with different rigs:


2003-----Jupiter-------13,840 points

2004-----Jupiter-------11,280 points

2005-----Orion-1------10,944 points

2006-----Orion-1------14,460 points

2007-----Orion-1------25,476 points

2008-----OMNI-VII----23,647 points

2009-----K3-------------44,600 points


Past rigs were actually very good, however the K3 is outstanding! It has
re-motivated a lot of Hams.


Thanks and good luck on your new digs Elecraft.

73, Fred AE6IC



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