CQP This Weekend

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CQP This Weekend

Art - W6KY
The California QSO Party is this weekend.
Tons of activity. It's not unusual for the big
Calif stations to log over 2500 QSO's in 24
hours. Some have even topped 3000 QSO's.
30 hours from 1600utc on
Sat till 2200 utc on Sun..
Details at www<dot>cqp<dot>org
I will be W6K mobile in Kern and Inyo counties.
Hope to work you. I will be mostly CW. Last
year I did 500 QSO's on CW in 13 hours so
there is plenty of activity. Last year WA0VBW
running QRP had 423 QSO's.
CU on the Bands, Art  W6KY   W6K /m for CQP
ps,  exchange is QSO # and State for non CA
                         QSO # and county for CA
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