My K2 doesn't have the computer interface. It does key CW nicely in Vox
using CocoaModem, though. And CocoaModem has a contest logging feature
which seems to work pretty well. Has anyone tried using it for CW contests
which don't fit the format of the RTTY contests that are built in (eg CQ
WPX, ARRL Field Day)? The macro keys can be edited to send anything, so
sending seems to be sufficiently flexible for any contest. But there's a
validity check built into the logger that gets unhappy if the exchange looks
too different. And yet, cmd-L usually makes it go ahead and log anyway.
Does this really work?
Alternatively, is there other software for the mac that I should be looking
at? RumPED seems to require a MicroHam keyer. I've tried N3FJP running
under Crossover, and it logs ok but quits after each QSO, which would be
pretty distracting ...
Is there a program that works well on the mac which uses the K2 computer
interface, if I were to get that?
Peter N8MHD
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