CW monitor tone adjustment presents difficulty

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CW monitor tone adjustment presents difficulty

Carl Clawson
I've been using some stereo speakers that require a high volume setting,
which means turning up my sidetone a lot higher than I would like for
phones. This causes a problem when I switch from one to the other. I start
keying and it's either way too loud or I can barely hear myself sending.

This would be easy to deal with if the monitor adjustment didn't furnish a
constant CW tone that mutes the audio and makes it impossible to change
while using the radio. I'd like to be able to turn that tone off. I could
either judge by the numbers on the display or listen to it as I'm keying,
but the way it is now if I have it wrong I can neither send nor receive
while I'm adjusting it.

Another solution would be a selectable audio gain change when phones are
plugged in, but I'd be happy twiddling knobs as needed.

73 and thanks for listening,
Carl, WS7L
K3 #486

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