CW monitor tone adjustment presents difficulty

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CW monitor tone adjustment presents difficulty

Phil Salas
"I've been using some stereo speakers that require a high volume setting,
which means turning up my sidetone a lot higher than I would like for
phones. This causes a problem when I switch from one to the other. I start
keying and it's either way too loud or I can barely hear myself sending."

I use cheap powered stereo speakers (around $10 from Fry's) which work
great.  I originally just adjusted the powered speaker volume so that it
sounded the same as my headphone volume on the K3.  However, there is also a
stereo speaker jack on one of the speakers, so I now use this all the time.
This way I can adjust the headphone/speaker volume either via the K3 or via
the powered speaker control.

Phil - AD5X

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