CW tone

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CW tone

Ian Maude
Hi all,
I have seen this so many times but have been bitten by it.  I have just
started to get back on the key and my tone is awful.  Raspy and buzzy.
The tone on Tune is fine.  SSB is great.
I have moved the PSU well away (Revex 30A, Regular PSU) and even tried
using one even further away, easily 5 feet and about 3 feet above it
(Farnell Switch Mode).  I have the same problem with both.
I have removed the PA and tried but still the same.

Ideas would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Ian Maude G0VGS Morecambe Lancs UK | [hidden email]
Sysop of GB7MBC, the Morecambe Bay Cluster
Running Linux and DXSpider | K2 #4044

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RE: CW tone

Masleid, Michael A.-2
Hi Ian,

As far as I can tell, the rasp/buzz issue related to power supplies
has to do with magnetic fields coupling into L30 on the right side
bottom of the K2.  This messes up the VFO frequency, so it should also
mess up SSB transmit and receive both.  Is it possible that you have
a problem with the side tone?  Hold down SPOT - if that sounds raspy
the problem is with the side tone.

If the side tone is clean, flip the K2 on its side.  If the rasp/buzz changes a lot, its a magnetic field from somewhere.  Look for a
"wall wart", a fluorescent ballast, or some kind of unfiltered DC
line close to the K2.  Also, look at the ~7 MHz birdie tone
using spectrogram.  A 60 Hz magnetic field will cause the 600 Hz
tone to have side bands at 60 Hz intervals due to the FM modulation
of the VFO.  (The structure might be a little funny looking because
of 60 Hz harmonics on the magnetic field.)

73 and Good Luck,
Masleid, AB9GV

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Ian J Maude
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 8:23 AM
To: elecraft
Subject: [Elecraft] CW tone

Hi all,
I have seen this so many times but have been bitten by it.  I have just
started to get back on the key and my tone is awful.  Raspy and buzzy.
The tone on Tune is fine.  SSB is great.
I have moved the PSU well away (Revex 30A, Regular PSU) and even tried
using one even further away, easily 5 feet and about 3 feet above it
(Farnell Switch Mode).  I have the same problem with both.
I have removed the PA and tried but still the same.

Ideas would be appreciated.

Many thanks

Ian Maude G0VGS Morecambe Lancs UK | [hidden email]
Sysop of GB7MBC, the Morecambe Bay Cluster
Running Linux and DXSpider | K2 #4044

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