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CW transmitting - any clicks?

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CW transmitting - any clicks?

Steve KC8QVO
93 posts
This may be a stupid question, but does the KX3 click at all transmitting CW? For example - when I stick my headphones on with my FT-857D it still clicks between RX and TX. It makes it impossible to have quiet, non-bothersome QSO's in camp when everyone else is trying to bed down for the night. I can throw some clothes around the rig but that doesn't solve the problem, just dampens it.

Steve, KC8QVO
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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

Kurt Pawlikowski
77 posts

     Except for the noise my straight key makes, I've never noticed any
noise from the KX3...



     Kurt Pawlikowski, AKA WB9FMC
     The Pinrod Corporation
     [hidden email]
     (773) 284-9500

On 12/1/2011 06:06, Steve KC8QVO wrote:

> This may be a stupid question, but does the KX3 click at all transmitting CW?
> For example - when I stick my headphones on with my FT-857D it still clicks
> between RX and TX. It makes it impossible to have quiet, non-bothersome
> QSO's in camp when everyone else is trying to bed down for the night. I can
> throw some clothes around the rig but that doesn't solve the problem, just
> dampens it.
> Steve, KC8QVO
> --
> View this message in context: http://elecraft.365791.n2.nabble.com/CW-transmitting-any-clicks-tp7050281p7050281.html
> Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

Don Wilhelm-4
8557 posts
In reply to this post by Steve KC8QVO

The K2, K1, KX1 and K3 all have electronic Transmit/Receive switching,
and I would expect the KX3 will as well, so there will be no relay
clicking noise.


On 12/1/2011 7:06 AM, Steve KC8QVO wrote:
> This may be a stupid question, but does the KX3 click at all transmitting CW?
> For example - when I stick my headphones on with my FT-857D it still clicks
> between RX and TX. It makes it impossible to have quiet, non-bothersome
> QSO's in camp when everyone else is trying to bed down for the night. I can
> throw some clothes around the rig but that doesn't solve the problem, just
> dampens it.
> Steve, KC8QVO
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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

356 posts
In reply to this post by Steve KC8QVO
It is only the very faint quantum clicking of PIN diodes... but you
need really good ears to hear it :)


On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 04:06:49 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>This may be a stupid question, but does the KX3 click at all transmitting CW?
>For example - when I stick my headphones on with my FT-857D it still clicks
>between RX and TX. It makes it impossible to have quiet, non-bothersome
>QSO's in camp when everyone else is trying to bed down for the night. I can
>throw some clothes around the rig but that doesn't solve the problem, just
>dampens it.
>Steve, KC8QVO

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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

Tony Estep
659 posts
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, drewko <[hidden email]> wrote:

> It is only the very faint quantum clicking of PIN diodes... but you
> need really good ears to hear it :)
> =============
It would probably only be audible to the guy who could read Heisenberg
uncertainty on his voltmeter.

Tony KT0NY

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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

177 posts
In reply to this post by Steve KC8QVO

On Thu, 1 Dec 2011 10:39:29 -0600 Tony Estep <[hidden email]>

> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, drewko <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > It is only the very faint quantum clicking of PIN diodes... but
> you
> > need really good ears to hear it :)
> >
> > =============
> It would probably only be audible to the guy who could read
> Heisenberg
> uncertainty on his voltmeter.
> Tony KT0NY

Hmmmm is it or isnt it
oops there it was

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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

Graham Smith-2
6 posts
In reply to this post by Steve KC8QVO
My K2 emits a very faint "tick" sound at the end of each dot and dash - I
can hear it if I put my ear near the back of the K3.
This happens using the internal keyer and a straight key, although it's
extremely hard to hear using a straight key as the mechanical sound from the
key itself masks it even when releasing it very gently.
It's not coming from the speaker.

Have other people noticed this?
I wonder what is causing it?  It does this even with the power level set to
zero and I have VOX+QSK set.

73 de Graham G3ZOD FISTS #8385

-----Original Message-----

The K2, K1, KX1 and K3 all have electronic Transmit/Receive switching, and I
would expect the KX3 will as well, so there will be no relay clicking noise.


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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

Jessie Oberreuter-2
84 posts

      The last time this came up, Wayne theorized that it might be the
sound of slight mechanical adjustments in the relays as power is
redistributed.  They aren't being switched, but the coil voltages may be
changing slightly, inducing an audible modulation in the electrically
shiftable parts.  Hunting it down was on his rainy day list :).

On Fri, 2 Dec 2011, Graham Smith wrote:

> My K2 emits a very faint "tick" sound at the end of each dot and dash - I
> can hear it if I put my ear near the back of the K3.
> This happens using the internal keyer and a straight key, although it's
> extremely hard to hear using a straight key as the mechanical sound from the
> key itself masks it even when releasing it very gently.
> It's not coming from the speaker.
> Have other people noticed this?
> I wonder what is causing it?  It does this even with the power level set to
> zero and I have VOX+QSK set.
> 73 de Graham G3ZOD FISTS #8385
> http://www.fists.co.uk
> -----Original Message-----
> Steve,
> The K2, K1, KX1 and K3 all have electronic Transmit/Receive switching, and I
> would expect the KX3 will as well, so there will be no relay clicking noise.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

Bruce Beford-2
434 posts
In reply to this post by Steve KC8QVO
I am sure Wayne has a lot on his "rainy day" list.
And as the old song goes, "It never rains in California... but man it
pours." 8-)
Bruce, N1RX

>       The last time this came up, Wayne theorized that it might be the
> sound of slight mechanical adjustments in the relays as power is
> redistributed.  They aren't being switched, but the coil voltages may be
> changing slightly, inducing an audible modulation in the electrically
> shiftable parts.  Hunting it down was on his rainy day list :).

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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

P.B. Christensen
499 posts
In reply to this post by Jessie Oberreuter-2
Like the K3, the Ameritron QSK-5 uses PIN diodes to perform the T/R
function.  I hear the same "tick" from the QSK-5, only louder.  Because
there's a relay inside the QSK-5, some ops have come to the conclusion that
the relay is generating the tick.  It's not.  The relay is used only for
bypass purposes.  To prove this, I removed the relay from the unit and the
tick remained.  As best I can tell, the tick noise is made as the diodes are
biased.  Now, why that would happen needs to by explained by a semiconductor
subject matter expert.  Some of the noise may be amplified by the manner in
which the diodes are mounted -- much like the transfer of sound from a
string bridge to the top plate of a violin.

Paul, W9AC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jessie Oberreuter" <[hidden email]>
To: "Graham Smith" <[hidden email]>
Cc: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] CW transmitting - any clicks?

>      The last time this came up, Wayne theorized that it might be the
> sound of slight mechanical adjustments in the relays as power is
> redistributed.  They aren't being switched, but the coil voltages may be
> changing slightly, inducing an audible modulation in the electrically
> shiftable parts.  Hunting it down was on his rainy day list :).
> On Fri, 2 Dec 2011, Graham Smith wrote:
>> My K2 emits a very faint "tick" sound at the end of each dot and dash - I
>> can hear it if I put my ear near the back of the K3.
>> This happens using the internal keyer and a straight key, although it's
>> extremely hard to hear using a straight key as the mechanical sound from
>> the
>> key itself masks it even when releasing it very gently.
>> It's not coming from the speaker.
>> Have other people noticed this?
>> I wonder what is causing it?  It does this even with the power level set
>> to
>> zero and I have VOX+QSK set.
>> 73 de Graham G3ZOD FISTS #8385
>> http://www.fists.co.uk
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Steve,
>> The K2, K1, KX1 and K3 all have electronic Transmit/Receive switching,
>> and I
>> would expect the KX3 will as well, so there will be no relay clicking
>> noise.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> ______________________________________________________________
>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
>> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
>> Post: mailto:[hidden email]
>> This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.net
>> Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
> ______________________________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: CW transmitting - any clicks?

9 posts
In reply to this post by Tony Estep
Due to the superposition of click and not click, the answer is both until
someone listens, then it is either click or not click.

Due to the same principle, my answer is both right and wrong until someone reads
this reply.  ;-)

George, AB4FH
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RE: CW transmitting - any clicks?

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