Just wanted to give those interested an update on our progress with the
software we are developing for the K2.
Things are going well and we have all the "typical" features running on the
rig but are struggling with timing issues on the more advanced features
including the DSP. It appears the K2 does not like the amount of traffic we
are giving it and we have had to slow things way down to get it to work. We
are currently testing other ways to speed things up.
Here is a screenshot of the program as it sits
http://www.callsignsoftware.com/k2-sept.jpgAs you can see we have DSP filters on the left side along with the regular
filters. The software queries the radio and writes your configured bandwidth
to the button labels.
Even though the advanced features are still sloooow, it is a pleasure to
have the ability to change the DSP configuration including low and high cut
on the software panel.
Thanks to everyone for their interest. Hopefully we can get these timing
issues tweaked and move forward.
Best wishes,
Callsign software
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