Hi gang,
Thought I would post an update to the group. We received our ATU's last week
and finished building the second one today. What a blast. Those looking for
an "easy build" and a tuner that works great, this is it. Took about 7 hours
to build each one. Runs circles around my LDG memory tuner :)
Anyway, the software is coming along great. Have worked through most our
timing issues with the radio and we have figured out that commands that use
the AUXBUS need to be treated a little different.
You can see a screenshot of the radio here
http://www.callsignsoftware.com/images/k2sept.gifWe have the new learn function working which reads the radio and writes
available K2 information to the front panel. This includes DSP filters and
their configuration. No more multi front panel clicks to make a simple DSP
filter change.
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