Greetings all,
I just received a mailing from Surplus Computers which is advertising
a 12V Auto JumpStart and Air Compressor for $19.99.
On closer look, this appears to be exactly the same unit I have
(purchased at Costco a year ago for around $60) for portable ops. It
contains a 17.5Ah SLA battery, a light, an AC trickle charger, a
cigarette-lighter style DC adaptor, a DC-DC charging cord (for
plugging into your car), an air compressor with hose and jumper
I hacked mine with leads directly to the battery inside and
terminating to PowerPole connectors (yes, I have drunk the PowerPole
Kool-Aid and it was good!) and take a West Mountain 5-way DC power
strip with me to park picnic tables.
This is a killer deal for 20 bucks (plus shipping on 23 lbs). Heck, I
think for the price you could remove the SLA battery and throw the
rest away if you wanted to.
Hint: the AC trickle charger is pretty much useless... a few hundred
mA takes days to recharge a 17.5Ah battery... I use an A&A
Engineering 1A charger to charge it up when I get home... usually
overnight does it.
Here's the link: have no idea how long their "sale" price is good for.
73 de N7BNT - Doug
Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing to do with this company except
as an occasional customer!
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