Cheap Pelican case

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Cheap Pelican case

Hi All,

Wow!  Everyone is going bonkers trying to get ready for their KX3!  Can't
blame you--me too!  I may be wrong, but I don't remember this much
excitement about a new product ever!

Pelican cases have always seems a bit bulky, and even unhandy to me.  I do
have one for my KX1, but I'm not sure it isn't overkill.  Of course, those
things would probably survive a plane crash!

I like the idea of a camera case.  They come in all sorts of sizes and
shapes, and many are very effectively padded, etc.  They don't weigh much
either.  Some of the very best out there are Lowepro models, but Case Logic
makes some very nice ones as well.  A good camera case has to be well
designed because not only the cameras are fragile, but the lenses can be
particularly fragile.  It doesn't take much of a shock to get a
multi-element lens out of whack!

I know there is a lot of "serious planning" going on, but I highly recommend
that you consider all the accessory items you want to be able to fit into
the same case.  It's the accessories that make picking the right case more
difficult.  Some of the better, small camcorder cases are compartmentalized,
which makes it nice to keep things from banging against each other.  You
will have a nice handle/carrying strap, so that makes it even better.

Anyway, I gave up trying to identify just the right case until I have
everything in hand, and can assemble all the extras I want to carry.  Then
I'll decide which case really does the job for me.  I may already have
something, but chance are I don't.  I suspect that soon after the first few
start shipping, some folks will have "live examples" of what really seems to

Dave W7AQK

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Re: Cheap Pelican case

Matt Zilmer
Another type of case that may work for some is the lowly netbook pack.
These are very inexpensive and small.  The one I have here is approx.
right-sized for the Asus EEE PC.  But it's just right for my KX3 FT
unit #6 and a few cables and accessories.

For more advanced outings, I use a surplus Pelican 1400.  This one has
enough room for a 9AH battery and all accessories.

A day pack works fine for the KX3 and just about everything you'd need
in the field, plus it makes the whole carry operation hands free.

matt W6NIA

On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 18:41:43 -0700, you wrote:

>Hi All,
>Wow!  Everyone is going bonkers trying to get ready for their KX3!  Can't
>blame you--me too!  I may be wrong, but I don't remember this much
>excitement about a new product ever!
>Pelican cases have always seems a bit bulky, and even unhandy to me.  I do
>have one for my KX1, but I'm not sure it isn't overkill.  Of course, those
>things would probably survive a plane crash!
>I like the idea of a camera case.  They come in all sorts of sizes and
>shapes, and many are very effectively padded, etc.  They don't weigh much
>either.  Some of the very best out there are Lowepro models, but Case Logic
>makes some very nice ones as well.  A good camera case has to be well
>designed because not only the cameras are fragile, but the lenses can be
>particularly fragile.  It doesn't take much of a shock to get a
>multi-element lens out of whack!
>I know there is a lot of "serious planning" going on, but I highly recommend
>that you consider all the accessory items you want to be able to fit into
>the same case.  It's the accessories that make picking the right case more
>difficult.  Some of the better, small camcorder cases are compartmentalized,
>which makes it nice to keep things from banging against each other.  You
>will have a nice handle/carrying strap, so that makes it even better.
>Anyway, I gave up trying to identify just the right case until I have
>everything in hand, and can assemble all the extras I want to carry.  Then
>I'll decide which case really does the job for me.  I may already have
>something, but chance are I don't.  I suspect that soon after the first few
>start shipping, some folks will have "live examples" of what really seems to
>Dave W7AQK
>Elecraft mailing list
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