Classified Ads

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Classified Ads

Thom LaCosta
I know I am making a big mistake, since I will NOT be charging fees, NOT
requiring a subscription and NOT ruuning contests to let me beg for funds.

That being said, I have installed a reasonable Classified Ad system that
is open for all...there are a few categories, you can select whether or not
your city, state and phone number is displayed...and your email address is
NOT exposed on the web(but folks can send you private mail).

So...give it look and perhaps list some of the things that you want or want to
get in the hands of another ham.

Other than adding pictures and a seperate field for your callsign, I'm open to
suggestions...and certainly comments.

Oh...if you've ever been frustrated by classified ad systems that lists items
that were sold years ago...this system has auto-delete based on time.

The downside is that each ad is reviewed before posting to the system to
aid in protection against spam and inappropriate items.

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