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Coloured Cases - geez

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Coloured Cases - geez

Did you order one, you could always spray it the colour you wish .....

On 5/6/07 18:44, "[hidden email]"
<[hidden email]> sent:

> I would spend an extra $50-$100 or so for a choice of color. And I agree
> that dark maroon color looked like a better radio than the sky blue one.
> For some reason, color choice is rare in the US. If you go to Japan and
> other countries you'll often find digital cameras and PDAs available in a
> rainbow of colors. The very same models in the US are black or silver.
> I realize it's cheaper to paint all the cases the same color, but if we're
> willing to spend more for a color case, then why not? I'd order that maroon
> color without hesitation. I think "Elecraft Classic Gray" would make a good
> choice, too.
Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the
same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice
as fast as that! -Lewis Carroll, mathematician and writer (1832-1898)

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RE: Coloured Cases - geez

Craig Rairdin
Yes, I did order one. The problem with spraying it myself is the lettering.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Ferrington,
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 5:31 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Coloured Cases - geez

Did you order one, you could always spray it the colour you wish .....

On 5/6/07 18:44, "[hidden email]"
<[hidden email]> sent:
> I would spend an extra $50-$100 or so for a choice of color. And I agree
> that dark maroon color looked like a better radio than the sky blue one.
> For some reason, color choice is rare in the US. If you go to Japan and
> other countries you'll often find digital cameras and PDAs available in a
> rainbow of colors. The very same models in the US are black or silver.
> I realize it's cheaper to paint all the cases the same color, but if we're
> willing to spend more for a color case, then why not? I'd order that
> color without hesitation. I think "Elecraft Classic Gray" would make a
> choice, too.
Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the
same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice
as fast as that! -Lewis Carroll, mathematician and writer (1832-1898)

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