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Elecraft mailing list
Rude behavior is the norm in contests?  Operated over 30 hours, made over 2500 QSOs and didn't find one rude op.  What some of you guys consider rude operating is just "trading paint" in racing circles.

If you think "just getting an automatic 599" is the only challenging thing about contesting, you don't contest.  I can think of at least a half dozen things that are necessary:

1. Try keeping your butt in the chair for hours on end.
2.  Know the propagation well enough to know when to point the beam for that zone 23 opening.
3.  Able to copy a weak one through heavy QRM.
4.  Know when to run and when to S/P
5.  Have the skill to set up an ergonomic station
6.  Know where and when to be on certain band depending on prop and band conditions.
7.  Being able to do SO2R

Try knocking off 10,000 CW QSOs in 48 hours.  Better yet, try 5000 CW QSOs and then tell me how easy it is.  I've been contesting for years and haven't done it.


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