Cooler KX Plus at Dayton 2015

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Cooler KX Plus at Dayton 2015

Not everyone can get to Dayton but that does not mean you should not get the same great service and value as the Hamventioneers. Because I cannot display and sell heatsinks at Dayton, Nick / N3WG of Pignology LLC has agreed to host the highest performance Cooler KX Plus and a stack of product flyers in his Booth 407. Please stop by to see an installed Cooler KX and ask him about its performance.
In honor of the event I am offering a 10% discount on the Cooler KX Plus, and free USA shipping as well as subsidized international postage. The advantages of ordering via email are threefold: No Ohio sales tax,  A Hamvention discount, and Free delivery to your home. The offer is immediately effective.
For performance reviews please check out: and for the story of the whole project take a look at
Thank-you for the bandwidth, Fred VE7FMN