I don't believe there is an article on using the matched crystals.
Somewhere about SN 2600, Elecraft tightened the crystal spec with their
vendor to control the motional inductance parameter, resulting in crystals
better suited for filters.
Just replace the filter crystals and ground the variable IF crystals on both
sides near the bottom of the can - then do the CAL FIL process to line up
the filter passbands. The double grounding is mentioned in the A to B mod
You will usually find a great improvement by changing to the newer
crystals - but there are a few cases where the old crystals were good
performers too, it was ust the 'luck of the draw' and depended heavily on
the particular manufacturing batch.
> -----Original Message-----
> I have gotten a hold of some matched crystals for both
> CW and SSB. Where is the article of the information
> concerning what the matched crystals are suppose to
> do. Also, what is the latest on grounding the crystal
> cans. Any information would be interesting.
> Lee - K0WA
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