D-104 sold & other various off-topic comments

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D-104 sold & other various off-topic comments

Steve Jackson-5
Thanks for the many replies; mic is sold.

To the M who can't find the parts locations:  I have
the same problem.  But, it gets logarithmically easier
as you populate the board!  Once a location is
"filled" your eyes/brain don't have to 'scan' there
any more, and so finding the missing places gets MUCH
easier as you go along.  Not unlike a jigsaw puzzle.

To the K who likes the SWL PSKxx rigs but laments
their being rockbound and sans tuner:  someone else
already commented you don't need a VFO, by design, and
I'll add ... because they are monoband units, field
operations with these rigs are ENHANCED because you
can BRING a pre-built monoband antenna with you.  I
think it'd be daft for Aptos to cook up a rig that
competes with something already mightily well done,
and the new versions from K1SWL require no serial
port.  For the PSK20, I suggest a sloper made of a
folded dipole.  You can make one from some 300 ohm
twinlead.  Use a piece for a phasing line, and with
just one small capacitor, you can get it to a 50 ohm
point VERY easily.  Quick to roll up, a snap to
deploy, only 1 vertical support needed, cheap, always
works like a champ.

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