DB9 Y Cable Problem

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DB9 Y Cable Problem

I have the k3 and p3 panadapter and have also just installed the Steppir DB11. I have the p3 tracking frequency and the steppir auto tracking frequency also so all good there.I can run MIXW and it tracks frequency but when I close that program down and try to load the k3 Utility,LP Bridge or Fldigi it cant connect to the coms port.I dont know if it is an issue with the y cable but just emailing to ask anyone has come across this problem and if there is a fix.



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Re: DB9 Y Cable Problem

Hi Steve
Sounds like the port is not being released when you exit MIXW. Have you an option to close the port before leaving MIXW? I've had similar problems with multiple keyer applications or if you don't close the port before leaving K3 Utility.
Richard GI4DOH