DEpedition Announcement!
For everyone who needs or wants the state of Delaware for a QRP or 2way QRP contact (or any other reason), I will be operating from DE for the ARCI Spring QSO Party (April 9-10), henceforth known as the DEpedition!
My call is NJ2OM, and I will be signing as NJ2OM/3.
The maximum operating hrs is 24, and as of right now this is my planned schedule:
12Z - 16Z 40m
16Z - 19Z 20m primary / 15m secondary
19Z - 21Z OFF
21Z - 23Z 15m primary / 20m secondary
23Z - 02Z 40m
02Z - 04Z 80m
04Z - ? 160m (if open, otherwise OFF)
04Z - 12Z OFF
12Z - 13Z 80m primary / 40m secondary
13Z - 16Z 40m
16Z - 17Z 20m
17Z - 19Z OFF
19Z - 24Z 15m primary / 20m secondary
At 04Z I am going to check 160m before quitting for the night.
I'm going to check 10m at the top of each hour.
Rig is a brand new K2. Antennas will be the VE7CA wire beam pointed 300 degrees, and a 160m windom pointed 240 degrees.
If anyone wants to make suggestions or comments relative to my schedule, please reply here.
Thanks, 73 and hope to give DE to as many people as possible!
Mike, NJ2OM
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