DL-1 and N-Gen FOR SALE

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DL-1 and N-Gen FOR SALE

Hunsdon Cary III
(1) N-gen WideBand Noise Generator, exc. condx, $30 shipped CONUS
(2) DL-1 20-watt Dummy Load, exc. condx $15 shipped CONUS
(3) Low Power top cover for K2 w/ spkr, exc. condx - I'll be happy to send it FREE [CONUS] if you cover the USPS postage cost (about $12).
BTW, the KIO2, KAT-100 and KAT2 have all been sold.
Please contact direct (off reflector)
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Re: DL-1 and N-Gen FOR SALE

N4NAB John
I will take these two, ngen & DL-1,

r/ John N4NAB