DSP key click solved in KPA100

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DSP key click solved in KPA100

Bob Evans-4
I think most of you know this, but I couldn't track it down in the archives,
so I thought I'd post it now.  
When I finished installing the DSP board on #4687, I noticed a slight
pop/click/annoying noise upon key up.  Gary, AB7MY, saved me a lot of time
and trouble by suggesting I change C71 on the KPA100 to a .1uF.  As
throughout this entire project, Elecraft was always a couple of steps ahead
of me and they just happened to have included a spare "104" capacitor.  I
popped it in and everything is perfect.  I really can't believe my luck, but
now I'm ready to tackle the 160M contest tonight and give the K2/100 a good
One other note.  After first assembly of the KPA100 and playing around into
a dummy load at 100W for a couple of hours, I noticed what others have
pointed out; the mounting screws for the finals needed to be tightened
again.  I tightened each screw about a quarter turn.  It may be my
imagination, but the rig seemed to run cooler after tightening those screws,
so I'll probably tighten them up a couple more times as the rig gets
thermally broken in.  I'm getting a new muffin fan to put on top of the rig
anyway because I'm going to be banging away pretty hard on the CQ button.
Oh yes, and I have to express my excitement about the computer interface.
The contest software I've used for years, TRlog, has always had the ability
to tune the VFO of a Kenwood via the shift keys; left shift goes down in
freq and right shift key goes up.  FINALLY, with the K2, I can use that
feature.  The computer interface worked flawlessly and is rock solid.  My
old IC-765 never could use the shift keys and the interface needed serious
tweaking to work properly.  
Bob K5WA
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