DSP on 60 Meters

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DSP on 60 Meters

When I tap DISPLAY and get "S1 nr nt" I hear a raspy tone ticking off the  
seconds.  It is present in any DSP or time mode.  It is loud enough to  be
annoying.  This phenomenon only occurs on 60 meters.  Has  anyone else experienced
this?  Is it normal?  Roy Morris   W4WFB
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Re: DSP on 60 Meters

> When I tap DISPLAY and get "S1 nr nt" I hear a raspy tone ticking off the  
> seconds.  It is present in any DSP or time mode.  It is loud enough to  be
> annoying.  This phenomenon only occurs on 60 meters.  Has  anyone else experienced
> this?  Is it normal?

Yes, this is normal.  The KDSP2 pretends to be a real time clock, and
the K2 does not mute the receiver during auxbus transactions in real
time clock mode.  So, on certain frequencies you will hear the
once-per-second raspy tone.

The nice thing is that once the DSP is set up, you don't often need the
menus.    The AFIL button provides 4 filters per mode.

And with firmware 2.04 you have front panel access to toggling the
denoiser and notch filters without resorting to the menu :-)


Lyle KK7P

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