> When I tap DISPLAY and get "S1 nr nt" I hear a raspy tone ticking off the
> seconds. It is present in any DSP or time mode. It is loud enough to be
> annoying. This phenomenon only occurs on 60 meters. Has anyone else experienced
> this? Is it normal?
Yes, this is normal. The KDSP2 pretends to be a real time clock, and
the K2 does not mute the receiver during auxbus transactions in real
time clock mode. So, on certain frequencies you will hear the
once-per-second raspy tone.
The nice thing is that once the DSP is set up, you don't often need the
menus. The AFIL button provides 4 filters per mode.
And with firmware 2.04 you have front panel access to toggling the
denoiser and notch filters without resorting to the menu :-)
Lyle KK7P
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