DX and the K1 - Fun...

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DX and the K1 - Fun...

Art - W6KY
This never ceases to amaze me. This evening at 9pm Pacific (0400 UTC)
I worked 3DA0RN (Swaziland) on 40 CW with my K1 and a ground mounted
GAP vertical.
I am used to working DX. 5BDXCC, WAZ, all the good stuff. But
I am just having a ball with this little K1. That was a 10,500 mile QSO
with 5 watts to a compromize antenna. Not a 4el yagi at 165 feet!
Sorry... I just needed to let out a yelp!!!
I've had the K1-2 s/n 141 for abt 2 months and have built K1-4 s/n 1717
in the meantime. Got the QRP bug....
73 es CU in the Pile-Ups,   Art  W6KY
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