I have only been a licence's ham for slightly over 2 years and I have
learned a lot of lessons.
One of these lessons is you have to pay for quality in your gear. I
looked as stuff that I did not purchase in my recent past as I did not
really understand the true differences in equipment I have since
determined that I did not get the best bang for my buck.
I spent a lot of time looking at amps and tuners this weekend as I want
to take my power cube and put it in the jeep where it belongs.
Anyway long story short after spending a lot of time with Lyle talking
about the new elecraft amp and future tuner I was really impressed with
the total integration of the package (plus I received a great NB
lesson). I have determined that I have a lot of options on where to
spend my money in the future and this time I will only spend it on stuff
that has quality workmanship and design.
So I want to say thanks to the elecraft team for a great product and I
will save up again and get a quality amp and tuner and it will surely
match the K3.
I only wish I could have ordered my stuff at Dayton this year, but alas
a cracked tooth and root canal has tapped my savings for additional toys
in the shack.
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