Hi everyone,
K2 4275 is alive as of yesterday morning. Last night I also passed my
General test. Now I can come down and play at the 40-meter watering hole. It
got a little lonely up there between 7100-7150. Few people wanted to come up
and play. I'll be reporting to my ship on July 10 and should be active
shortly after that. I'm looking forward to seeing some of you from MM playground.
Many thanks to Scott at Elecraft for the help and support on getting my K2 up
and running. I can't believe how much more sensitive it is than my ICOM-718,
not to mention easier to use for a beginner.
Many thanks to the Denver Radio Club VE team for putting together my test
session with less than a day left before the current test becomes obsolete. A
great bunch of guys! No on to my Extra license...
73 de Terry - KC0QZX/AG
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