You can easily check to see if the amp keying is compatible with the K2
keying interface - all you will need is a DMM.
Power the amplifier and measure the open circuit voltage at the "PTT" or
"KEYING" input. If that voltage is positive and not higher than the
breakdown voltage of the K2 keying mod output device, then so far, so good.
If all was good for that last test, proceed with the test, but if it was
not good, you will need an interface of some sort (relay or other).
Now set your DMM to measure current and place one probe on one side of
the PTT input to the amp and the other probe to ground (or the other
side of the PTT input). Expect the amp to key, so protect it with a
dummy load. Your meter will tell you how much current is required to
key the amp. If that current exceeds the current rating for the K2
keying mod output transistor, you will need an interface, but if it is
within the current rating, then connect them directly.
[hidden email] wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm in the process of aquiring a old kenwood TL-120 100w amp, which I plan
> to drive with my K2.
> Just wondering if anyone has any details of doing this, before I try and
> figure things out for myself. My K2 is modded with a external keying
> output, and I'm wondering whether I can use this to key the TL-120
> directly, or whether an additional interface will be required.
> Cheers
> David, VK2NU
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