Dxing and contests, the P3

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Dxing and contests, the P3

Bill Levy

I am 63. licensed the for 50 years. Got a pin unrequested from the ARRL for
being a 50 year member.

What I learned in the days of young adult hood, while younguns napped, was
that my Collins 51S1 on top of a KWM2A worked wonders at splitting the
chores of DXing and searching with the transceiver 'who was where working
that guy'. Now it's all in  K3.

Now we have internet spotting, CW spotting, P3 Panadaptors and for me the
brave me new world and I think it should all be legal. I don't know how to
make soap, wagon wheels, vacuum tubes or lightbulbs.

Imagine in WW2 if the vacuum tube guys with SW receivers could have had a
panadaptor and bandspread to watch a Mcs (no not a Mhz, how dumb is a
herz?) on a computer that could have recorded a whole Mcs. at a time for
review and playback to Churchill or Roosevelt. To hell with Stalin!

Taking the war idea forward, all is fair in love and war. We couldn't have
won Midway without breaking the codes.

So my feeling is let the younguns have their P3s and their Code Skimmers
and Spotting because that's the new world. Let it all be legal.

Us old guys will need the young turks to show us how it's done now. It is
all amazing to me.
Imagine a radio that has learning curve. Yay the list.

What a wonderful world we live in.

73, Bill N2WL
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