ECN. 2300UTC Aug 29th.

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ECN. 2300UTC Aug 29th.

Hello Kevin!
Just to let you know that I was your 'mystery caller' on the 14051kHz net
this week.
I copied you at rst 439 from 1055utc right upto the bitter end.
The only others copied here were
Tom, N0SS, who's sigs ranged from 339 to 559  and

Bill,   K1EV, who went from 449 to unreadable.

I could barely hear just a few others, but not good enough to identify

Condx were not too good (the time here was 1100, Monday, BTW).

I was using my K2-100 #2681 at 100W. My antenna is a 1200ft-long, 45ft-high
horizontal loop. This is a very quiet, rural area, not much QRM of any sort
& the QRN level was low.

Ah well, maybe next week!
73 de Mike, zl1mh.

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