I started the net on 10114 after hearing some weak signals on 10115.
There were 5 check-ins on 30m. It seems like I must have a tunnel to Michigan
tonight because 4 of the 5 were from there.
NA8M John MI [579] K2/100
AB8KJ Chuck MI [589] K2/100 #2596
WA3TUU Rick MI [559] very weak at first - but easier to copy towards the end
N4SO Ken AL [579] K2 #3394
K8NWD Tim MI [599] K2 #0076
Only other item to comment on was some QRM from ND9M/MM [599+] near Florida who
apparently wasn't hearing the net too well as he was trying to carry on a quick
QSO with another station that was too weak to copy here.
The 40 meter net started on time on 7045 and consisted of one check in
(actually - a 'recheck' from the 30m net) - also from Michigan :-)
AB8KJ Chuck MI [579] K2/100 #2596
I guess tonight was my lucky night for Michigan. Thanks alot to all of you who
hung in there as I tried to dig around for more check-ins and also for those
who tried to relay my call for check-ins.
If there's anyone interested in trying to repeat 30m on Saturday evening, drop
me a quick note, and I'll see if I can clear an hour Saturday evening - either
at 2300 or 0000z.
Thanks again and 73,
Daniel / AA0NI
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