ECN Tonight

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ECN Tonight

Daniel Reynolds-2
Just a reminder that ECN will be this evening (Thursday).

30m: 7E/6C/5M/4P (0000z) on 10115
40m: 8E/7C/6M/5P (0100z) on 7045

Some info about checking in to the net can be found here:

I'd also be curious if there would be any interest in attempting another 30m
net at 0000z on Saturdays (for those on the West coast who are still at work
during the week). Just drop me a note directly (off-list). If there's enough
interest, I'll see if I can clear my schedule for an hour Saturday night.

Thanks again for those that checked in last week, and I look forward to see who
checks in tonight.

Daniel / AA0NI
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