ELECRAFT K2/100 and KAT100 Loaded All Options

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ELECRAFT K2/100 and KAT100 Loaded All Options

K2  Serial #4670
MH2 Hand -Mic
Reference Price today from ELECRAFT $2006.50  plus shipping.
I use this one daily , this is my 3rd K2 ,but my first fully loaded.  The KPA100 seems to have some issue all bands have around 70 watts max. The base K2 drive the RF out that is necessary,so this is why I believe the lower power is in the KPA100, I run a legal limit amp with the K2 and with 50 watts in I get legal limit our so I havent really needed the extra. I mainly operate CW and rarely have used the rig on SSB, I was on 10 meters last weekend with another hand-mic, when I use the MH2 seems I get RF feedback only on some bands like 40 and 80. I have the K2, KPA100, and the KAT100 manuals also the Nifty Manual .Someone will get a deal here ,I have Federal income taxes due April 15th  ,the price is $1100.00 shipped FEDEX Ground... You can then send it to Alan Wilcox or one of those guys to tune it up.I have a few high res photos to send .
Byron / N4AX