Hello all,
The EPA QRP Club will hold our first Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Event
on February 22, 2005. We call this event the "Polar Bear Moonlight
Madness Event" because only polar bears would operate in the freezing
cold top of a mountain in February. "Moonlight" because we will hike,
drive and operate by the Full Snow Moon in February. "Madness" because
only mad-men would do this sort of thing. Yes we are all crazy, but it's
a FUN Crazy! To date we have four Polar Bear Ops for the event. One or
two will operate ssb and the other two only cw. Two Polar Bears will
drive up and two will hike the steep 2-mile trail up to the top of the
mountain probably with snow on the ground. If you want a look at the
award that will be mailed out, go to www. wa3wsj . com.
If you want an award, please email or mail your log to WA3WSJ. My
Callbook Address is ok on QRZ etc. Don't send an SASE just your log.
Ron, WB3AAL will hike up and start operating from a tent around 3pm in
the afternoon. Mark, NK8Q and Ed, K3YTR will drive up and probably start
to operate around 6pm. I will start my hike around 5pm and be on the air
up top by around 6:30pm. We will do the hard part, but we need you to
make contacts! Here's the breakdown:
WB3AAL 3:00pm CW Only
NK8Q 6:00pm ssb & cw
K3YTR 6:00pm ssb
WA3WSJ 6:30pm CW Only
3.933 7.040/7.280 14.060/14.280 10.106 +- qrm
To all Polar Bear Ops:
Remember ink freezes so bring pencils!
Believe me I learned this the hard way.
Ron, a sleeping bag might help for your hours up there.
I'm bringing a hot drink with me- hope others do too.
I will bring a dry shirt with me to change into- hope you do too Ron.
We will try to take a group picture of all Polar Bears together - it
should be, let's say, a unique picture.
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