Hi Gus,
Thanks for the offer. I built the programm rather quickly at the time,
and am aware of the weaknesses of some of the methods used. If I do a
proper rewrite, then I would consider going to .NET, especially now
that Mono
http://www.go-mono.com/ and DotGNU
http://dotgnu.org/ are
well underway. DotNet might be a good base technology for an
Open Source contest log programm, which can run on many platforms.
As nice as Java is, I can not "speak" Java, and it tends to be rather
I used PureBasic, because compilers exsist for AmigaOS, Linux,
Windows, there is a beta for MacOS, and PureBasic is inexpensive. The
EditorGadget seemed to be an easy way to store the data, so that the
operator could correct errors. It turns out that this (up to now) does
not work as well as I hoped it would. Reducing the overhead of the
tags is one thing which would have to be done, and linked lists for
stuff like dupe checking. Nonetheless, sooner or later the
EditorGadget will cause problems. This may be fixed in PureBasic 4.xx.
Currently PureBasic is at 3.93 on windows.
vy 73 de toby
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