EQP 2005: DK0SU on 15m looking for VK / JA (March 13, 10:00 UTC)

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EQP 2005: DK0SU on 15m looking for VK / JA (March 13, 10:00 UTC)

Thomas Martin-5
So far had some nice contacts during EQP 2005 from DK0SU;
worked VE3XL several times with his K1, last time on 7MHz around 0300 UTC;
N1RR with his homemade 1 Watt TX on 20m; Preston with his ATS3 -- this rig sounds really good -- with
3 Watts on 20m; and being glad of having worked VE1RGB, Gary whom I know from last years EQP.

So now trying to get some more countries on 15m.

At this time calling at 21058 kHz with K2, 5 Watts and our X7 beam antenna heading for JA / VK -- antenna will be turned
towards USA later on.

73 and TNX
Thomas, DK0SU/DF7TV

Thomas Martin, Stuttgart, Germany

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