EQP 2005 at DK0SU -- A big Thank You!

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EQP 2005 at DK0SU -- A big Thank You!

Thomas Martin-5
now that this years EQP is over I like to
to thank for all nice contacts.

Conditions at the beginning were a bit hard here because I had
terrible noise on 14MHz, but the good news is that the KNB2, which
resides unused during the rest of the year in my K2, helped at least
to reduce some noise. But OK I started with the 15m band and later on
switched to 20m. During night hours I tried 40m and our V80S vertical
antenna and got a few QSOs there too.

The X7 beam at DK0SU helped a lot to dig out some of the weaker
signals of low power stations on 15 and 20m.

Like last year my impression was that the first day (UTC) of the
party is the more active one -- at least seen from this side of the
And it seems that there were less non-participating stations just
asking "EQP -- what's that ???"

QSL cards of the clubstation DK0SU and of me DF7TV will be sent to
all stations worked and I would be glad to get QSLs in return.

See you all again next year!

Plans are to equip my K2 with the KSB2 and some digital interface for
PSK31 and such although I think the main (...and my preferred) mode
in the party is CW. So I might give other modes a try in EQP 2006.

The log of the 2005-party will be made available at my homepage at
qsl.net within the next days. Used old-fashioned hand written log
here during the party.

A few informations about the clubstation and pictures of the standard
equipment are available at:

Last year I used the TS-850S of DK0SU at 15 Watts. The K2 used this
year at 5 Watts is the fourth K2 kit I built.

Thomas, DF7TV

Thomas Martin, Stuttgart, Germany

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