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RE: Re: K2 Remote/Server

James C. Hall, MD-2
That's interesting. No computer required at the remote site . is that true
with TRX-manager ? If I use a laptop, say, with a home network and the rig
is at the shack with computer and two monitors, how would you remote control
the station ? How do you get audio to go back and forth ? Sorry for all the
questions - you may have already answered these.


73, Jamie




From: Larry Phipps [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 9:55 AM
To: James C. Hall, M.D.; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: K2 Remote/Server


I don't run two monitors, but I know some guys do. It probably requires a
newish version of windows, and two video cards.


When you say at the remote site, I assume you mean at the home site. There
is no computer required at the remote site... or at most a server that
doesn't even require a monitor if you prefer the software serial server





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Re: Re: K2 Remote/Server

Richard Thorne-2
Hi Jamie:

I've been monitoring the mail on this subject.  I've been on the list
for a while as I plan on building a K2 in the near future.

I'm currently running a TS-480 via remote but want to build a K2 to run

Anyways, heres my current setup:

TRX-Manager installed on my home computer and my office computer
TS-480 (200 watt version)- remote site
Microham band decoder - remote site
DX Engineering 8 position coax switch - remote site
Cable modems at both locations
Hygain TX2 rotor with a Idiom Press rs-232 interface - remote site
F12 C3 yagi on a 60' tower on my office building - remote site
Wires for the low bands - remote site

I have TRX configured at the remote site as the slave and TRX here at
home as the master.  I have an excellent connection between the two
locations which are 7 miles apart.  TRX can be used over the internet
with an IP address or with a packet TNC's.  I'm sure IP is the way to go
to keep the delays to a minimum.

I'm using http://www.skype.com for audio. Its a great free program.  I
also use it to talk with my father in South Texas and my sister in North
Carolina.  I'd dare to say that the audio quality is better than my
normal phone.

With the above setup I can easily work ssb and keyboard cw.  I can turn
the rotor and TRX is interfaced with my logging software, Logic6.  TRX
also has its own logging program.

I plan on going in the same direction as Larry is.  I have a Lantronix
serial to IP device so I won't need a computer for rig control.  I will
still need a the computer for Skype to get the audio back and forth.
Having a computer there is not a problem since I use it for work
anyways.  Larry does have some ideas on how to handle audio without
skype so a computer would not be needed.

I would much rather have my station at home but thats just not possible.
I have no room for antennas and if I did the CCR's ban them.

Larry has done quite a bit with the remote and has several software
utilities he's written to support remote operations.

Thats about it here.  Not really K2 related but TRX does support the K2.
Remote stations have come a long way.  Theres enough equipment/software
available where its almost plug and play and doesn't take much if any
home brewing to get a station up and running.


Rich - N5ZC
Amarillo, TX

----- Original Message -----
From: "James C. Hall, M.D." <[hidden email]>
To: "'Larry Phipps'" <[hidden email]>; <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 12:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Re: K2 Remote/Server

> That's interesting. No computer required at the remote site . is that
> with TRX-manager ? If I use a laptop, say, with a home network and the
> is at the shack with computer and two monitors, how would you remote
> the station ? How do you get audio to go back and forth ? Sorry for
all the

> questions - you may have already answered these.
> 73, Jamie
>   _____
> From: Larry Phipps [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 9:55 AM
> To: James C. Hall, M.D.; [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: K2 Remote/Server
> I don't run two monitors, but I know some guys do. It probably
requires a
> newish version of windows, and two video cards.
> When you say at the remote site, I assume you mean at the home site.
> is no computer required at the remote site... or at most a server that
> doesn't even require a monitor if you prefer the software serial

> route.
> Larry
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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Re: Re: K2 Remote/Server

Charles Bland
In reply to this post by g4ilo-2
>I'm not going to enter into the argument  over the ethics of promising
something and not delivering.

Then get over it and stop mentioning it.

Anyone who has experienced Elecraft over the years knows that ethics is not an
issue with Elecraft. Dropping the ball on one FREE software product that was
originally presented as a "It's free, play with it, experiment, and do better"
effort is NOT an ethics issue.

I've known Eric for 22 years. He does not live his life nor run his business on
the edge of ethics. He clearly runs a clean ship.

Chuck Bland

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Re: Re: K2 Remote/Server

Leigh L. Klotz Jr WA5ZNU
In reply to this post by g4ilo-2
For PSK and other similar text-based digital modes, I have developed a
protocol and a client and a server.  My Java client is available open
source at http://wa5znu.org/rpsk and I have given the server back to the
gMFSK project.    I also wrote a client for my GPRS handheld phone, and
have not completed it, but screenshots are available.

So far, I have focused only on the novel elements, the TX and RX, and
not rig control.
The protocol transfers only the character, phase, and spectrum data, and
has vastly reduced network bandwidth requirements over sending an audio

As a future project, I hope to regularize the underlying protocol using
XML and apply some recent research results in optimal XML compression
when the standards bodies issue their recommendations.  This approach
will open the door to a truly cross-platform, cross-rig, extensible
protocol for remote operation.

If someone wants to try out RPSK, please let me know and I will leave
the RX part on for your scheduled receive time.


On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 9:24am, Julian, G4ILO wrote:

> VNC is certainly an option, and I've used it to run MixW remotely, but
> as Larry suggests it's quite sluggish, even with a decent connection. I
> use it to administer my web server and it sometimes goes very slow even
> though I've got ADSL at this end and the server is connected to a fat
> pipe at a data center.
> And you still need something to carry the audio. There's a program on
> my site called AudioLink that will do this, but it's basically the
> prototype for the audio streaming for K2Net and hasn't been updated to
> the current level of K2Net, which is more resilient now and has lower
> latency than earlier versions.
> I'd recommend anyone wanting audio linking software to work with VNC to
> download the demo package for the audio streaming components at
> www.lakeofsoft.com and use one of the demo applications.
> --
> Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
> G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo
> Bob Nielsen <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I meant vnc, not vpn!
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
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WA5ZNU Leigh
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RE: Re: K2 Remote/Server

James C. Hall, MD-2
In reply to this post by Richard Thorne-2
That's very cool, Richard ! Thanks for the info to both you and Larry. I'll
be interested in Larry's article on this.

73, Jamie

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Thorne [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 11:39 AM
To: James C. Hall, M.D.; 'Larry Phipps'; [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: K2 Remote/Server

Hi Jamie:

I've been monitoring the mail on this subject.  I've been on the list
for a while as I plan on building a K2 in the near future.

I'm currently running a TS-480 via remote but want to build a K2 to run

Anyways, heres my current setup:

TRX-Manager installed on my home computer and my office computer
TS-480 (200 watt version)- remote site
Microham band decoder - remote site
DX Engineering 8 position coax switch - remote site
Cable modems at both locations
Hygain TX2 rotor with a Idiom Press rs-232 interface - remote site
F12 C3 yagi on a 60' tower on my office building - remote site
Wires for the low bands - remote site

I have TRX configured at the remote site as the slave and TRX here at
home as the master.  I have an excellent connection between the two
locations which are 7 miles apart.  TRX can be used over the internet
with an IP address or with a packet TNC's.  I'm sure IP is the way to go
to keep the delays to a minimum.

I'm using http://www.skype.com for audio. Its a great free program.  I
also use it to talk with my father in South Texas and my sister in North
Carolina.  I'd dare to say that the audio quality is better than my
normal phone.

With the above setup I can easily work ssb and keyboard cw.  I can turn
the rotor and TRX is interfaced with my logging software, Logic6.  TRX
also has its own logging program.

I plan on going in the same direction as Larry is.  I have a Lantronix
serial to IP device so I won't need a computer for rig control.  I will
still need a the computer for Skype to get the audio back and forth.
Having a computer there is not a problem since I use it for work
anyways.  Larry does have some ideas on how to handle audio without
skype so a computer would not be needed.

I would much rather have my station at home but thats just not possible.
I have no room for antennas and if I did the CCR's ban them.

Larry has done quite a bit with the remote and has several software
utilities he's written to support remote operations.

Thats about it here.  Not really K2 related but TRX does support the K2.
Remote stations have come a long way.  Theres enough equipment/software
available where its almost plug and play and doesn't take much if any
home brewing to get a station up and running.


Rich - N5ZC
Amarillo, TX

----- Original Message -----
From: "James C. Hall, M.D." <[hidden email]>
To: "'Larry Phipps'" <[hidden email]>; <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 12:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Re: K2 Remote/Server

> That's interesting. No computer required at the remote site . is that
> with TRX-manager ? If I use a laptop, say, with a home network and the
> is at the shack with computer and two monitors, how would you remote
> the station ? How do you get audio to go back and forth ? Sorry for
all the

> questions - you may have already answered these.
> 73, Jamie
>   _____
> From: Larry Phipps [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 9:55 AM
> To: James C. Hall, M.D.; [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: K2 Remote/Server
> I don't run two monitors, but I know some guys do. It probably
requires a
> newish version of windows, and two video cards.
> When you say at the remote site, I assume you mean at the home site.
> is no computer required at the remote site... or at most a server that
> doesn't even require a monitor if you prefer the software serial

> route.
> Larry
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Re: K2 Remote/Server

In reply to this post by James C. Hall, MD-2
Hi Jamie, it's true for almost any control/logging/RTTY program. Depending on the latency of the connection, you may have to tweak the operating mode if the program requires a response from any command given before it will issue another command. TRX allows you to run in two different modes, one which requires a response and one which doesn't. Also, the protocol in some ways determnines this... Icom works totally differently than Kenwood/K2 for instance.

I have used wifi between my laptop and the basement rig, ISDN to a remote location and DSL over the internet. All work OK. I do cw keying with audio tone keying, so that I can use a hand keyer, but this requires a clean connection... same with PSK. You can also key one of the handshaking pins on a serial port and connect it to the key input through a relay.

For the far away remote I used ISDN for audio... for the basement rig I use a hardwired audio connection, but you could use something like FRS band xcvrs to make it more portable. The beauty of the system is that ALL the software resides at the home computer. The remote equipment is controlled locally as though it were sitting next to you... it's like having a VERY long serial control cable.

Larry N8LP

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Re: Re: K2 Remote/Server

In reply to this post by Mike S-8
I beg your pardon?

Before leaping to attack someone, perhaps you should consider whether
the inference you object to was intended by the author, or just the way
you read it?

I merely wished to state that in replying to Mike's post I wasn't
agreeing with his strong criticism of Elecraft in failing to deliver the
K2 Server. But since you want to pick an argument over it, I will now
add that he does have a point. On page 20 of my KIO2 manual it states:

"Using the K2REMOTE Control Program

K2REMOTE was developed by Elecraft to provide flexible remote control of
the K2, even over the Internet (using TCP/IP)."

I have been follwing Elecraft since the very first. My K2 S/N is 392,
and I ordered the KIO2 right when it was announced. It doesn't matter
what you say, K2 Server *was* originally promised.

However, if you had actually bothered to read my two postings on the
subject, I think you might have come the conclusion I was saying that
there are already enough ways to control the radio remotely that the
absence of K2 Server is not an issue.

I await your apology.
Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

"Charles Bland" <[hidden email]> wrote:

 >I'm not going to enter into the argument  over the ethics of promising
something and not delivering.

Then get over it and stop mentioning it.

Elecraft mailing list
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RE: Re: K2 Remote/Server

Bill Johnson-10
I have written to the original post off the list where I think this belongs.
There is no room for attacks here, takes up too much space and time for me.

Hope you guys can work this out... this is a hobby and we need to keep our
best feet forward... have you taken this up with Erik directly first?  If
not then it doesn't belong here.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Julian, G4ILO
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 4:28 AM
To: Elecraft List
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: K2 Remote/Server

I beg your pardon?

Before leaping to attack someone, perhaps you should consider whether
the inference you object to was intended by the author, or just the way
you read it?

I merely wished to state that in replying to Mike's post I wasn't
agreeing with his strong criticism of Elecraft in failing to deliver the
K2 Server. But since you want to pick an argument over it, I will now
add that he does have a point. On page 20 of my KIO2 manual it states:

"Using the K2REMOTE Control Program

K2REMOTE was developed by Elecraft to provide flexible remote control of
the K2, even over the Internet (using TCP/IP)."

I have been follwing Elecraft since the very first. My K2 S/N is 392,
and I ordered the KIO2 right when it was announced. It doesn't matter
what you say, K2 Server *was* originally promised.

However, if you had actually bothered to read my two postings on the
subject, I think you might have come the conclusion I was saying that
there are already enough ways to control the radio remotely that the
absence of K2 Server is not an issue.

I await your apology.
Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

"Charles Bland" <[hidden email]> wrote:

 >I'm not going to enter into the argument  over the ethics of promising
something and not delivering.

Then get over it and stop mentioning it.

Elecraft mailing list
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Elecraft mailing list
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Re: Re: K2 Remote/Server

In reply to this post by Mike S-8

As I said to you privately, I didn't choose to get into an argument
about this in public. I am not criticising Elecraft for failing to
deliver K2 Server because, as I said, there are now several better
alternatives anyway.

I do object to being rudely accused of implying that Eric is dishonest
when I said nothing of the sort, and I have a right to reply to such
public accusations in public. I am still awaiting an apology from the

I hope there is no further need to say anything about this unpleasant
Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack: http://www.tech-pro.net/g4ilo

"William Johnson" <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have written to the original post off the list where I think this
belongs. There is no room for attacks here, takes up too much space and
time for me.

Hope you guys can work this out... this is a hobby and we need to keep
our best feet forward... have you taken this up with Erik directly
first?  If not then it doesn't belong here.


Elecraft mailing list
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