Elecraft 1/3 off Summer Specials!

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Elecraft 1/3 off Summer Specials!

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
As a thank you to our great customers, we will be offering 33% (1/3 off)
discounts on our internal ATUs and Desk Microphones (when purchased with
a K1, K2 or KX1) at the ARRL S/W Convention this weekend.

To make this more exciting, we have decided to make this offer to
-everyone- purchasing a K1, K2 or KX1 between today, Aug 25th and Sept.
30th! To order the 33% discounted items, just follow the link to our
Summer Specials Web Page when ordering a K1, K2 or KX1 off our Regular
Order Web Page.

ITEM            Regular Price    1/3 Off Price
KAT1 ATU              $99.00        $66.33
KXAT1 ATU             $79.00        $52.93
KAT2 ATU              $159.00      $106.53
MD2 Desk Mic.         $89.00        $59.63
TB1 Std Mic. Base     $25.00        $16.75
CB1 Chrome Mic Base   $65.00        $43.55
PL2T Boom Mic. Arm    $65.00        $43.55

Terms of Elecraft Summer Discounts:
1. One discounted option for each K1, K2 or KX1 purchased.
* With a K1 Purchase you can chose a 33% discounted KAT1.
* With a KX1 purchase you can chose a 33% discounted KXAT1.
* With a K2 purchase you can chose a 33% discounted KAT2  -or- a 33%
discounted MD2 (with or without a discounted microphone base or arm).

2. You must purchase a K1, KX1 or K2 to get the discounted option. (One
discounted option per radio purchased.)
3. You may purchase multiple K1s, KX1s and K2s and buy  the
corresponding discounted options.

(All orders shipping or received from Aug 25th - Sept 30th will receive
this discount.)

Wayne, N6KR
Eric, WA6HHQ

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12v 0.8Ah gel cells...

John Clifford
If any US customer who purchased these HASN'T received them, please contact
me.  They have all been sent out and should have arrived either on Saturday
or today.

Thanks for the orders, guys!  I sold nearly 100, and have about 40 left.
Let me know ASAP if you want any more.

 - jgc

John Clifford KD7KGX

Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2/KPA100
Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1, Centaur, 238B
Alinco DR-605TQ, DJ-V5
Icom T90A

IRLP #3978

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Re: 12v 0.8Ah gel cells...

Thom LaCosta
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, John Clifford wrote:

> If any US customer who purchased these HASN'T received them, please contact
> me.  They have all been sent out and should have arrived either on Saturday
> or today.

What kind of connectors do they use...I got mine and don't recognize the
type...or might it be better to replace them with another type?


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RE: 12v 0.8Ah gel cells...

John Clifford
The connector is referred to as a 'Mate-N-Lok'.  I believe it is the same
connector that Elecraft uses to plug in the 12v gel cell into the K2's

Some people buy a female (receptacle) Mate-N-Lok (from Mouser, etc., use the
name as a search term on Mouser's website) and make an adapter to Anderson
Powerpoles, a barrel connector, etc., depending on their application.
Others cut the connector off the battery and put their own connector on it.
It's up to you.

I know that one of these cells will fit inside a K1.  Has anyone tried to
see if it will fit inside a KX1?  I also use 'em with my HTs since they are
a LOT cheaper than AA NiMH cells and easier to recharge in the field (just
plug them into a 12v auto cigarette lighter receptacle -- they can't be
overcharged on 13.8 VDC).  Two of them fit inside a cheap digital camera
case, and it's easy to have a spare pair charging while I use a pair.

Like I said, I've got about 40 left so if anyone wants some let me know

 - jgc

John Clifford KD7KGX

Elecraft K2 #1678 /KSB2/KIO2/KBT2/KAT2/KNB2/KAF2/KPA100
Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1, Centaur, 238B
Alinco DR-605TQ, DJ-V5
Icom T90A

IRLP #3978

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