Howdy Folks,
I need to get this announcement out a bit earlier than usual because I
am unsure how late I will be getting home tomorrow evening. I know I will
be bushed so sending out this note will be a lower priority than finding
my bed :)
If you are in the Great Northwest please try to drive down to Seaside,
Oregon. There is a bit of a hamfest going on and a few compatriots and I
will be sharing what we know about these neat little rigs. We'll have a
couple of stations running so folks can make Elecraft to Elecraft contact
via CW and maybe even via voice if I can dig out my microphone. I know
it's here somewhere :)
I printed a number of QSL cards for the event too so it should be fun.
And, Roger, WA7BOC has offered to bring an unfinished KAT100 so folks can
see a work in progress. He is offering to share his methods for winding
toroids and will have a hands on demo for folks. Sorry Mychael, if you
could be here we would rather have you show them how a professional
accomplishes the same task. These folks will have to learn from mere
So, with no further ado, the announcement. On Sunday afternoon and
evening we will be having another session of ECN.
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT) 7045 kHz
If you have any questions please read what Ms P has posted for me on
our web site Thanks for the space Dan.
If you would like the hear some Elecraft folks on the band please join
us. CW speed varies from 5 to 30 wpm. Hopefully we can accommodate the
speed you like.
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class).
PS. Still waiting on what Clarence has to say about an upgrade to my rank
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