Good Evening Folks,
Just got home from a very long wedding and I feel beat. Hopefully the
bands will be quiet tomorrow. I worked a few folks over in Europe earlier
today. Odd thing is they wanted my grid square. You'd think I was in the
middle of a VHF/UHF contest; but no, I was on 20 meters. I was trying to
find the Hawaii QSO Party but somehow or another wound up in the Top of
Europe Grid Contest. I was wondering what the CQ GRID TEST was all about
but got the skinny from SM3X. Very fine signals from those folks. Some
warbling but the contacts were solid.
The Elecraft CW Net will be held tomorrow:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT) 7045 kHz
Please visit our web site: for further details.
Thank you for the web space Dan.
Stop by tomorrow so we can chat a spell. No hurry just a few contacts on
a Sunday evening.
73 and stay well,
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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