Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Kevin Rock
Good Evening and Happy Labor Day,
    I wanted to find out a little about this holiday and found this:
Labor Day,is a legal holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September
in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The celebration
of Labor Day, in honor of the working class, it was first suggested by
Peter J. McGuire, founder of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. It was
initiated in the U.S. in 1882 by the Knights of Labor, who held a large
parade in New York City. In 1884 the group held a parade on the first
Monday of September and passed a resolution to hold all future parades on
that day and to designate the day as Labor Day. In March 1887, the first
state law to declare the day a legal holiday was passed in Colorado,
followed by New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. In 1894 the U.S.
Congress made the day a legal holiday. Parades, and speeches by labor
leaders and political figures, mark Labor Day celebrations. Labor Day is
celebrated in Canada on the first Monday in September. The first parades
and rallies to honor workers were held in 1872 in Ottawa and Toronto, and
the September date was officially recognized by Parliament in 1894.

Thus it appears my fellow carpenters were the first to celebrate Labor
Day.  Pounding nails and smelling sawdust brings back fond memories for me
of hard work and the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.  I
have since moved on to sitting in a chair and writing assembly language
software but will never forget good hard work and the paycheck each
Monday.  My boss wanted to make sure we came back to work the next week :)

I hope you are all enjoying this weekend's celebration of Labor.  Please
join us for a little relaxing CW and comraderie on the air.

The Elecraft CW Net will be held tomorrow:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Please visit our web site: http://ecn.visionseer.com/ for further details.
Thank you for the web space Dan.

All are welcome on ECN, Elecraft radios are not required; nor is a fast
fist or a strong signal.  I hope the bands are as good as they were last
weekend so we can try to work DLs and ZLs back to back.  Please listen
carefully since relay help may be requested.

73 and stay well,
    Kevin.  KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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