Good Evening,
Summer's celebrations are almost over. Patricia is due back in
graduate school very, very soon. I am glad I am done with that, at least
temporarily :) We were out feting her swiftly disappearing freedom. A
few more chores and it is done.
Please join us for a little relaxing CW.
The Elecraft CW Net will be held tomorrow:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT) 7045 kHz
Please visit our web site: for further details.
Thank you for the web space Dan.
All are welcome on ECN, Elecraft radios are not required; neither a fast
fist nor a strong signal is needed. Both 20 and 40 meters were quite good
earlier in the week but Thursday and Friday were plagued with QSB.
Hopefully that will not occur tomorrow. Please listen carefully since
relay help may be requested. The weekly Florida hurricane has been
postponed until early next week. I hope Ivan burns itself out and only
rains as it passes into the Gulf. That will be bad enough because I don't
believe the tarpaulins will hold against any sort of wind. Good luck
73 and stay well,
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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