Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Kevin Rock
Hello to you all,
    Hope your weekend is going well.  My AREC level 2 class is running
along just fine.  Pat and I made up a crossword puzzle for them to fight
with for a bit to reinforce the lecture.  Next session is NCS class.  The
scenario meshes with our current volcanic activity.  I get to break the
repeaters and take a few of the NCS students off the air.  I might throw a
bit of CW traffic into the middle of the melee to see who is paying
attention.  By the end of the class I will have a few tired students :)

Twenty meters has been mostly good this week but I have not had time to
try forty meters.  I think I will see if the JOTA folks are running CW on
forty to test the waters tonight.

Please join us tomorrow on the Elecraft CW Net held at:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: http://ecn.visionseer.com/ for further details.  Thank
you for the web space Dan.

All are welcome on ECN, Elecraft radios are not required.  Any radio that
can put out a decent CW signal will be fine with us.  Power outputs have
ranged from 400 milliwatts to 600 watts thus far.

See you tomorrow,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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