Good Evening Folks,
There are a few complications for tomorrow's Elecraft CW Nets. First
we have the Sweepstakes in progress so the 20 meter net may be
problematic. I will play that one by ear. If I cannot find a spare kHz
to use for our purposes I may simply cancel the net. The second problem
is the condition of my sending arm. It has been in a bit of pain for the
last few days. It was difficult sending off my PSHR message on Thursday's
Oregon Section Net. Don't normally have so many corrections to send to my
eight word radiogram :( But never the less I will get on the air for 40
meters and send for a bit. If I makes no sense to either you or me I may
just have to go QRT and soak my arm for a night. Hopefully one of the
relay stations will be on the air to take some of the burden off and I
will simply copy along. Never should have broken my wrist into so many
pieces when I was kid!
Sunday 2400z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST) 7045 kHz
Visit our web site: for further details. Thank
you for the web space Dan.
All are welcome on ECN; Elecraft radios are not required. Power levels
have ranged from less than one what to greater than 600 watts.
See you tomorrow,
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
The dawn Venus Jupiter conjunction was very pretty this week.
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