Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Kevin Rock
Good Evening,
    I am a bit tired from hiking out a Noble Fir this morning.  I must have
carried that guy for about two miles.  Good tree though ;)  Fits nicely in
the spot we made for it.  Now to find all the accoutrement so we can get
it fixed up.  The new antenna is growing bit by bit but my spare time was
used learning more about administering Apache and Samba than it was with
antenna construction.  I still have a few fiddly bits to work out with
both of them so if you are a Linux admin/guru please write me.  I'll ask
the questions off this list.

    Hopefully the bands will be a bit better than they were for last week.  
I would like to invite all y'all over to my house for a little CW practice
and a bit of chatting.

Please join us :
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: http://ecn.visionseer.com/ for further details.  Thank
you for the web space Dan.  Hopefully I'll get the cgi figured out.  Then
you and I can talk about upgrading the site to provide a bit more data for
the users.

No special requirements or exchanges necessary on ECN just check in and
see what happens from there.
   Take care all and see you tomorrow evening,
        Kevin.  KD5ONS
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