Good Morning to most of you,
I just had an enjoyable hour of soldering surface mount devices. I
never knew how easy they were to handle. Much less mess than the through
hole type of components. Now on to some microcontroller circuits and
assembly language programming!
The sun gave us some interesting conditions over the last week so this
evening's nets may be pretty good. 40 meters has been troubling lately
but if you catch the timing just right it works quite well. I know the
fox hunters were commenting about it on QRP-L yesterday and the night
before. Sunspot 720 left us with an X7 class flare but only a glancing
blow. Otherwise the folks in Ontario would probably be out of power right
now. The ionosphere is energized and the MUF is up. 10 meters has been
open at times but I am not current on the propagation news.
The loop antenna is up in a temporary location. 450 feet of 18 gauge
wire fed with ~25 feet of ladder line. It hears well on 160 and 80 meters
but I have yet to make a contact with it. Simply listening around and
seeing how she tunes up. Time will tell how it works on a putative ECN/30
or ECN/80.
Please join us :
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST) 7045 kHz
Visit our web site: for net details. Thank you
for the web space Dan.
No special requirements or exchanges necessary on ECN just check in and
see what happens.
Thank you for your support,
Kevin. KD5ONS
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