Good Evening,
Once again I had a very late night in the big city. The campiest
production of a Shakespeare play I've seen since the scene in The Magic
Last night I made a good contact into South Dakota on 40 meters and the
Fox hunt went well on Thursday evening so that band may be good tomorrow
evening. New Hampshire was a little tough but Missouri was easy. The
first took many many calls but the latter took just one. Hopefully 20
meters will be a bit stronger than it was for me on Thursday and Friday.
But we shall see what tomorrow brings us.
Please join us :
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST) 7045 kHz
Visit our web site: for net details. Thanks
I hope 160 meters is being kind to all you folks trying for a few contacts
this weekend. If you are from South Dakota or Delaware please stop by and
visit for a moment. Those are the last two states we need for Elecraft
No special requirements or exchanges necessary on ECN just check in and
enjoy hearing folks around the continent report on their weather and their
Take care,
Kevin. KD5ONS
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