Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Kevin Rock
Good Evening,
Becker and Fagan's Bodhisattva in the headphones, soldering iron in hand,
circuit design that was on paper is working in real life; I feel like
Pagliaci.  So it goes.  The tuner and SWR bridge are working nicely.  Now
to crunch them down to fit in a backpack and be rugged enough for the
trail.  Steely Dan is doing wonders however; bringing back memories of the
early '70s and campus life at UW off the Union pier hitching rides on
sailboats.  Skiing across the lake to the ice shanty to fish all nite or
catch a ride back on an iceboat.

40 meters was nice on Thursday night for the fox hunt.  Working across to
NY was a bit of a stretch but doable.  Yesterday W7WEL was an easy catch
up in Idaho.  Turned down the power and worked him for about half an hour
on 40 meters until hunger forced me off the air.  He was eating while
listening but I've yet to reach that skill level :)  KL7V is pushing but
I'm still stuck to a pencil for the most part.  Soon it will be too fast
but somehow I am writing at 28 wpm.  And I thought writing at 14 wpm was

Hopefully 20 meters will be working well tomorrow.  My new tuner is tuning
my G5RV on that and other bands near 20 watts.  Lots of fun working out
all that complex arithmetic.  Not difficult just error prone and tedious.  
I think I will just write some software with a nice GUI to work out
component values and chart the results.  Easier than using a calculator to
bang it out long hand.  Space Weather tells me the sunspot number is
currently 22.  That may mean 40 will be quiet tomorrow so I can work down
to S1 or lower to pick up the folks I missed last week.  Cross your

Please join us :
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: http://ecn.visionseer.com/ for net details.  Thanks

There are no special procedures to follow on ECN.  Just send your call
sign when one of the NCS folks calls for QNI.  Speed is whatever you feel
comfortable with.  Please check in and see who you can hear around North
America.  New Zealand to South Africa to Germany are the limits so far.  
As the season changes we may have special propagation allowing us to meet
many new folks from across the world.  You also get to hear a few weather
reports too :)
    73 and see you on the net,
        Kevin.  KD5ONS

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