Good Afternoon,
I am writing this earlier than normal since I shan't be home again
until late tonight. I have been invited to a baseball game in Portland.
It has been a while since I've heard the sound of wood on leather. I will
enjoy it very much. I can think back on each time I broke a finger
catching a fast ball with the wrong hand or got nicked by a foul tip. My
Dad taught me there is nothing worse than a passed ball. My right hand
has too many fractures to count from baseball, motocross, and
construction. This is why I have to use paddles to send CW. A shattered
wrist in 1967 took away my chance at becoming a radio amateur that year.
I thought I would never be able to send CW afterward. Too bad I did not
learn of the rapidly developing alternatives during the late '60s and
early '70s or I'd have tried again earlier.
My work schedule (hectic to the extreme) kept me off the radio all
week. Up at 3 AM and back in bed early did not allow me time to do more
than practice a bit with my new paddles. I am becoming more facile in
their use. I may use them next week if I can keep up my practice regime.
I may get over my 30 wpm speed bump. These new paddles are precision
instruments compared to the ones I normally use. Once I get used to the
differences in feel and position I should be able to increase my speed and
hopefully reduce my flub rate. Only time will tell.
If the bands will support two way CW communications on 20 or 40 meters
why don't you check in with us? The nets normally run at least 30 minutes
and often last 60 minutes. If you can hear us please send your call sign
after the QNI ? K Once we recognize you we'll gather your information:
name, state, rig type, and serial number. After a few check ins you can
tell us more: weather, family, etc. Listen along and see what the others
have to say.
Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT) 7045 kHz
Until tomorrow,
Kevin. KD5ONS
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