Good Evening,
Eighty meters is sounding good right now. I am sitting at my computer
listening to the radio and working through my notes for a comms class I am
to teach in a few weeks. I am also resting from the last coat of paint on
the walls and ceiling of my new work area. Yes, it actually is getting
closer. I need to cut the hole for my antennas and ground wire and then I
can start moving desks, test equipment, books, radios, and office
equipment. The job only took a few more weeks than I initially had
planned. There were a few extenuating circumstances but they are taken
care of now.
The weather took a nice turn. Instead of the 18 degree temperatures
and six inches of snow we now have 30 degree temperatures and much less
snow. Made heating the house much easier. That gave me time to finish a
few coats of paint and listen to the radio more than I had been lately.
Soon I will have all of my ducks more or less ordered so I can start
creating PC boards out of ideas. Firmware will get burned on them and
things will start to move again. Little critters of my own creation will
cause havoc in Sam's life.
Twenty meters was quite good at 1700z this week. Forty meters was
working well a few hours ago and eighty meters is pretty good now. There
is some atmospheric noise but wait a few hours and that will quiet down.
I did listen to 160 meters a bit a couple of nights ago and had some fun
listening to a couple guys working each other on CW. The music is gone
now; I'll have to spin the dial. But tomorrow we get to make a little of
our own noise and see how the bands connect different parts of North
Please join us:
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4 PM PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7 PM PST) 7045 kHz
Kevin. KD5ONS
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